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Beekeeping Supplies

Helmet & Veil

Helmet & Veil - £36.75

Code: HELM1

Sold in units of 1 set.

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Hive Strap (1 - 9)

Hive Strap (1 - 9) - £6.20

1 - 9 straps (£4.90 each) and 10+ (£4.50 each)


Sold in units of 1 strap.

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Hive Strap (10 +)

Hive Strap (10 +) - £5.65

Code: STRAP1

Sold in units of 1 strap.

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Hive Tool (J Type, Sheffield Made)

Hive Tool (J Type, Sheffield Made) - £10.50


Code: HT1

Sold in units of 1 each.

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Honey Bucket (30 lbs)

Honey Bucket (30 lbs) - £5.30

Code: BUCK1

Sold in units of 1 bucket.

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JZ BZ cups per 100

JZ BZ cups per 100 - £10.05

Code: JZ1

Sold in units of 100 cup.

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JZ BZ cups per 50

JZ BZ cups per 50 - £5.40

Code: JZ

Sold in units of 50 cup.

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Langstroth Brood Frames per 10

Langstroth Brood Frames per 10 - £20.00

Code: LBFR

Sold in units of 10 each.

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Langstroth Brood Frames per 100

Langstroth Brood Frames per 100 - £190.45

Code: LBFR1

Sold in units of 100 each.

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Oxalic Acid

Oxalic Acid - £8.55

Code: OXAL

Sold in units of 75 grams.

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